Best Short Film ” All That Roams Below” .|. certificate
Best Documentary Short Cuba In Africa .|. certificate
Best Drama Short Tell Me Who I Am .|. certificate
Best Comedy Short The Question .|. certificate
Best Thriller Short $700+ .|. certificate
Best Experimental Short Switch .|. certificate
Best Animated Short The Boy and The Mountain .|. certificate
Best Micro Short Routine .|. certificate
Best Director Against Reason .|. certificate
Best Writer CRUDE MASSACRE .|. certificate
Best Unproduced Script The Blackamoor .|. certificate
Best Cinematographer New Perspective .|. certificate
Best Student Short Film Wiro .|. certificate
Best Women Emancipation Project Language Games .|. certificate
Best Queer Cinema The Sleeping Buddha .|. certificate
Ola Wallinder, Cactus , best short actor .|. certificate